TE: Waiting to die twice

There is a common idiom: You die twice, the first time with when you pass from this mortal coil, the second after the last person says your name, thinks of you, etc.

What is this middle plain, and who occupies it?

I could easily call this middle place purgatory, where you are stuck waiting for your final judgement, (if you believe in that sort of thing). It would be a space where you would see all of those you knew who had passed, as long as others who were alive still had a connection. When they no longer thought of they'd be filtered out via their second death. It would be a wonderful place to see those you miss, but it would have just as much meaning, since at any point a person would be shift of that second plain.

This middle plain would house some very interesting people who would perpetually be stuck with no escape. You would meet the likes of Lincoln, Caligula, Imhotep, Judas, Jesus, Attila, Washington, Hitler, Stalin, Caesar, Brutus, you name it. What implications come from being immortal knowing you were one step away from enlightenment. You'd probably go crazy, living for centuries watching all those around you die off. Or you'd be stuck with the person who perpetrated your demise. Could you escape them, or people who are there to attack you. Think of Hitler. He would have a group of morons surrounding him, but that would pale in comparison to many who would wish him harm for what he did. Since he will be talked about for centuries, he would never get a reprieve from the hate. It would be glorious to inflict so much pain over those many many years. But there would be a flip side to that coin. Lincoln would be alive forever, un the flag of praise, but at some point it would lose its meaning and importance. Which would have the same effect of basically being torture of the centuries.

Knowing that you may be stuck in this middle plain, would you change your life in any way?

Could this life be your second life?

As you watch people die they are loosing their connection to the real world.